How do you set yourself apart from dozens, even hundreds of other med students trying to accomplish the same goal? 

It comes down to 1 thing: Perception 

Why is FIJI water more expensive than the competition?  

Is FIJI better? Maybe. But probably not! But it has a higher perceived value. 

As a med student, you want to boost your perceived value by… 

Actually becoming more valuable to those around you! 

Be perceived as more valuable by actually being more valuable. 

So, how do you become more valuable as a med student? 

It takes work… Most students don’t think about this… 

Which is why you’re going to have a huge advantage if you follow these simple steps: 

Step 1. Outwork everyone.

That seems simple enough, but trust me most students are only there to learn and go home. If you can do even 10% more than everyone else, you’ll instantly become more valuable. 

Step 2. Anticipate others’ needs. 

Recognize the things your nurses, residents, and attending needs on a daily basis and do it before anyone else. Does your attending always ask for the most recent vitals? Check them prior to rounds and have those numbers ready. 

Step 3. Make yourself invaluable. 

Make your absence felt when you’re not there. This is achieved by mastering steps 1 & 2 above. If you’re the hardest worker and you’re making the lives of those around you so much easier, you become a valued member of the team. Making yourself invaluable means you open up doors all around you. You’ll get glowing LORs, you’ll be asked to apply to that program, and you’ll secure yourself as someone that stands apart from the crowd. 

Simple steps… Very hard work… But it does takes effort to set yourself apart. 

Are you willing to do the work? Comment “YES” below if you’re willing to do what it takes to make yourself an invaluable member of the team. 

Don’t forget to download your FREE copy of our “Roadmap To Residency” eBook at