Online CS Prep + Live Support

Train From Anywhere, Anytime!

Prep Online Then Come To The 2x/Week Q&A Sessions


Master The Theory, Skills, & Know-How Needed To Easily Navigate The CS Exam With Our Online 15+ Hours of On-Demand Online Training.


Practice, master, & refine your CS encounter skills by moving through our sample case guide (provided upon registration)


Join us live 2x/week online to ask questions and/or get clarification about your CS prep, as well as get feedback on your progress. You also get access to the private FB group where you can find study partners & ask questions.


Using the training and live feedback, take your exam with the confidence needed to succeed!

How Do I Know If

This Is Right For Me?

Here are some of the most commonly

asked questions about this program:

How Does This Program Work?

You get access to 3 specific stages of training:

Stage 1) Our complete online, on-demand Step 2 CS preparation program training… In this online training you will be taught everything you need to know about the CS exam (from A to Z) that will help you to successfully navigate through and excel in any Step 2 CS encounter.

Stage 2) Practice cases with a partner using our CS. case book (cases designed exclusively for this program, you won’t find these anywhere else)… These cases cover all of the main systems and will ensure that you get exposure to the important areas likely to be tested on exam day.

Stage 3) Come to the live-online Q&A strategy sessions twice per week for as long as you want to ask questions, get tips & tricks, clarify any areas of confusion, etc. This is your chance to ask our Physicians questions so that you can identify any areas of weakness and move past these hurdles..  

Will This Work If I'm Just Starting My CS Prep?

Yes. This program was designed to be used by students who:

1) Are just starting out their preparation and need to build their skills from the ground-up.

2) Want CS preparation but don’t want to either travel and/or spend a lot of money (program is only $500).

3) Want to do their prep on their own while still having direction, a proven strategy in place, and someone they can ask questions to along the way.

Ultimately, we created this program for every single student who wants or needs help but doesn’t want to or can’t attend live training.


What Makes This Different From Other Programs?

This program is 100% unique and a one-of-its-kind in that nobody else on the market offers a program that is almost exclusively self-paced but that comes with a live-online Q&A multiple times per week.

The benefit of this program, and what makes it 100% unique, is that you can do most of the work on your own, at your own pace, and on your own time, but you still get help from our Physicians 2x/ week during your live Q&A sessions.

Other programs either force you to travel and spend a fortune attending their live programs, or they provide you with a book (First Aid) without any type of actual help, or they provide you with videos that come with zero ability to actually assess yourself after going through them. We’ve made your life as easy as possible with this program: Stage 1 – Learn (via our online training program), Stage 2 – Practice/Master via our unique case book, Stage 3 – Clarify & ask questions during the live 2x/week Q&A’s.


Will This Work If I'm An IMG or FMG?

Yes. IMG’s & FMG’s make up 95% of our student body. This program goes into as much detail as humanly possible so that whether you’re fresh out of school or have been out for years, you’ll be able to get yourself exam-ready.

Is There A Sample Of The Online Training?

Yes! We’ve put up one of the lectures in this online training on our YouTube channel. You can checkout this sample lecture by clicking HERE

How Long Is My Online Program Access?

You can access to the online training portal for 12 weeks (although in 2020, during the COVID pandemic, you get access until the CS exam opens back up), and you get access to the Live Q&A sessions until you take your exam.



Click any of the ‘REGISTER’ buttons seen throughout this page and you will be taken to our secure payment form. Fill out the information and click ‘SUBMIT’



Once we receive your registration, you will receive an email with all of the details to get started. You can begin your online access at your convenience by using the link provided in the email. 


Get started! At this point, you’re ready to start your ‘stage 1’ training and you can begin to make your way through the online training component of the program.

Still Have Questions?

TEXT US: 630-318-7486

(or click the blue phone icon at the bottom right side of the page)