Will You Pass Your CS Exam?
Our 3-Case In-Person CS Diagnostic Assessment Will Let You KnowWhat Is It?
The 3-case CS diagnostic assessment is a quick & efficient way to learn whether or not you’re likely to pass your Step 2 CS exam. You will meet with Dr. Paul or Dr. Stavros and we will go through 3 CS cases together (includes patient notes), at which point we will critique each aspect of your performance, give your performance an overall grade, and provide you with detailed feedback based on a list of over 100+ encounter criteria.
Following completion of the 3 diagnostic cases, we will provide you with an assessment of whether you have the skills (CIS, ICE, SEP) needed to pass the CS exam. If you have areas that need improvement, we will outline each one and provide you with a step-by-step plan for ensuring they are improved to the point of excellence. Dr. Paul or Dr. Stavros will also provide you with a preparation strategy that you can implement so that you know exactly what you should be doing to improve your overall performance and put yourself in the best possible position to succeed.
The 3-case assessment will last approximately 2hrs and the process will look like this: 1) We will greet you and gather some basic information, 2) We will put you through 3 full highly tested CS encounters (with patient notes), 3) We will fully assess your performance using our 120+ point assessment checklist, 4) We will sit down with you, explain our feedback, give you an overall pass/fail grade, and provide you with a detailed outline of the steps you can take to improve your weaknesses moving forward.
What To Expect During The Live In-Person Encounter:
Information Gathering
We’ll get some basic information regarding your CS exam history, your anticipated or scheduled CS exam date, and some additional information that will allow us to best help you.
Diagnostic CS Encounter
In our exam-simulated lab setting, you will perform a full case with Dr. Paul or Dr. Stavros as the SP. You will perform each component of the encounter as well as the patient note. Following completion of your 3 cases, we will grade and assess your performance based our 120+ post-encounter checklist. We will also grade your patient notes and provide detailed feedback.
Based on the information-gathering period and your performance during the sample cases, Dr. Paul or Dr. Stavros will give you a detailed evaluation of your current level of competence and provide you with a detailed step-by-step outline of each part of your performance. Dr. Paul or Dr. Stavros will also provide you with a recommendation of how to proceed with your preparation based on your performance.
Q&A Discussion
Following our diagnosis of your current status, you can ask questions to clarify the diagnosis and ensure that you are 100% confident that you have all of the knowledge necessary to move forward and confidently prepare for your CS exam.
3-Case Assessment Cost?
The cost to determine where you’re at, whether you’re ready to pass, and get a fully detailed plan-of-action is only $497
Ready To Get Started? Use The Form Below To Register For Your 3-Case Assessment.