Want to learn how to make a killer first and last impression on your CS exam?

Then you need to know how to ‘bookend’ your encounter…

Bookending is a term you’ve probably never heard of relating to the CS exam… Which isn’t a surprise because it’s a term I created when I was trying to explain to a student the importance of a strong start and an even stronger finish to the CS exam. You won’t read about it in a CS book (except for mine), so you’ll want to pay close attention and also be sure to checkout my IGTV and YouTube episodes about ‘Bookending’ for a more detailed look at how to incorporate it into your encounters.

What are bookends? They’re 2 sturdy structures that go on either end of a standing row of books that ensure they remain in place… Well the term ‘bookending’ for the CS is similar in that it refers to 2 ‘ends’ (the start and the finish) that are needed to ensure the entire encounter is sturdy.

Here’s a quick look at how to incorporate ‘bookending’ into your CS encounter to ensure that you leave a memorable impression on the patient.

Step 1) Start Strong: This means you need a killer entrance… Make immediate eye contact, greet the SP with a warm smile and a firm handshake, ensure they’re comfortable in the room and ask permission to proceed with your interview.

Step 2) Close Strong: Explain your findings & discuss the tests you want to run, ask if they’re in agreement of your recommendations, ensure all of their questions are answered, counsel if needed, shake hands and thank them for their time.

These 2 simple steps done properly at the onset and end of the encounter will ensure that you have a great first and last impression, which will hopefully boost the way the SP perceives the overall quality of your encounter. 

Want to become a Step 2 CS expert? Get a free digital copy of my new book ‘The USMLE Step 2 CS Survival Guide for Medical Students’; this book spells out the entire process of preparing properly for your CS exam from A to Z. Copy & paste this link into your browser for instant access: http://bit.ly/drpaulcsbook