Empathy is the key to an outstanding Step 2 CS exam. Showing empathy through the phone is often times challenging for students, but it is definitely possible with a few simple steps. Below I’ve outlined 3 tips that you can keep in mind to be more empathetic on your...
Likability comes down to only a handful of things… These are behaviors and actions that can easily be learned by anybody.. Meaning that you can learn to be more likable. The more likable you are, the easier it will be for you to bond with a patient, which might...
The patient is angry with you… But you don’t know why… Or maybe you do… Either way, this needs to be handled properly. I’ve seen many students come to a complete stop when they were faced with a patient who became angry out of nowhere… It’s a...
How would you react if you were in the middle of an encounter and the SP gets a text… And instead of keeping focus on your encounter, pulls our their phone and starts texting. This isn’t something we hear about often… But in this day and age where everybody is...